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East Allegheny


East Allegheny Soccer

News Detail


May, 2015

2015 Fall Season Registration is here!!!!!

EA Soccer's fall in-house season is just around the corner. The season will begin August 17th and culminate with our annual Round Robin tournament on October 17th. As always, our program will have U6-U12 age groups. We are looking forward to another great season!

Here are some preliminary things you need to know:

- Deadline to register is July 8, 2015 (3 ways to register, see below)
- Teams will be filled by mid-July
- First "all coaches" meeting will be held July 22, 2015 (time/place TBD)
- We are hosting our second annual Fort Pitt Regiment camp July 27-31 (CLICK HERE for details or to register) Great tune up for the kids
- Coaches will be required to contact players and have their first team meeting/practice by the end of the week of August 3, 2015
- Our age group clinics will be held the week of August 8, 2015 and are free to all program participants (exact dates/times TBD)
- All games and practices will be held at East McKeesport Field
- U6 will play Saturday afternoon and U8-U12 will have one weekday game as well as a Saturday game (times TBD)
- Practices are at coaches discretion (coaches will have the opportunity to select a practice time/field prior to the start of the season)

More info to follow.

3 ways to register:

- Online: If you haven't already, create a free account and add your child/children as participants. Go to "My Account" and it will prompt you to register for any program that they are eligible for. It's that simple. ** Note: Even if you don't plan on registering for/paying online, it is a good idea to register for the site. There are some really cool features that we are going to implement that would require all of our programs participants to be in our online database **

- Print/Mail your form: CLICK HERE to print a registration form. Fill it out and mail it and your payment to  PO Box 117, East McKeesport, Pa 15035 (postmarked by 7/8/15)  ** Note: Forms will also come home from the schools**

- In person Sign Ups: Come see us at East McK Field (we'll be by the newly renovated, beautiful new concession stand) on June 28, 2015 from 10am to noon. Rain or shine! Bring your form and payment or fill yours out then, we'll have plenty of pens! **** JUST ADDED*** Another in person sign up date, Wednesday July 8, 6pm-8pm at East Field!!!